Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Is Brahmastra a nuclear weapon?

Nowadays we see a lot of documentaries on television giving scientific or rational explanations for the Biblical events. But not many things in the Hindu epics or Puranas are explained in the same way. Any one with a scientific bent of mind or rational outlook can find explanations for most of the ‘unusual or abnormal’ phenomena
or miracles. While I was working for the BBC World Service twelve years ago I had to interview one Indian doctor who had specialisation in Test Tube (IVF) Babies. Casually I mentioned that Gandhari also might have undergone IVF treatment to give birth to 100 children from the urns where the pieces of flesh were kept. But the doctor laughed at my suggestion.  I was surprised to read my view many years later when Mr Cho Ramaswamy started writing Mahabaharata in his magazine ‘Tughlak’.
I am giving below some events from our epics and puranas and modern explanations for the same. They
may raise some questions such as ,Did they have all the modern equipments like today? or Are they just imagination or intuition about the future? I leave it to the judgement of the readers.

மேலும் படிக்க  

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it is a nuclear weapon but I do think that it is similar to that . As I picture it , I see an huge gigantic nuclear flame ( Opposite of an Atomic Bomb which is more like a radiating explosive effect but not quite fire ) I believe the Brahmastra is a mixture of the chemicals of an Atomic Bomb and its own divine ingredients thus creating a Nuclear wave of radiation causing the intended target to be incinerated by the radiation catching everything on flame . My Bengali Mom gave me the second name Kartikeya(Kartik) and I only use on my blog my name given to me by my American father because of his wishes . According to legend Kartikeya was conversant with every divine weapon .
